Monday, July 8, 2013

Homer and Marge

Have I become Homer Simpson? I'm gaining weight, losing hair, but still happily married to the same woman. We stayed home and watched a re-run of the Simpsons last night. After all these years, the show still has it. There were a few laugh out loud lines, but more importantly there was still genuine emotion. I interviewed for a job on the Simpsons.

I watched the first episode of the Simpsons back in 1988. I was not particularly impressed. However it was an early episode where Marge falls for the bowling gigolo, where the show knocked over the final pins of my heart. Homer gave Marge a bowling bowl that said Homer on it.

For my first anniversary, I gave my wife a bowling bowl that said Homer on it  Not really.

When I lived out in LA, I was interviewing for entertainment law jobs and I managed to get in the door at Film Roman, which was the production company for the Simpsons. The building was  a bland warehouse in the Valley, that could have been Dunder Mifflin from the Office. I met with a young lawyer who looked like Waylon Smithers and did the merchandizing agreements. He did not seem particularly happy as he went over contracts for a living, and did so in a building that could have been Dunder Mifflin from the Office. I tried to suck up to him, told him that he was part of the creative process in his own way. He did not smile. He did say the word "excellent," but I don't remember why
He had a cow when he saw my grade point average.

He did show me around where the American animators did some of the work. They were all in cubicles and it looked like a mushroom farm. It smelled like a cross between the nuclear plant and Moe's tavern.

I didn't get the job by the way. Not excellent at all.

It goes without saying that I would love to create a show that lasts twenty five years. More importantly, I aim to have a marriage that is as filled with love as Homer and Marge after 500 episodes.

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