Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Writer Says Thanks

Last year was one of my best year's as a writer. I won a national award, I won a state wide award, and I had many exciting book signings. This year? Not so much, but I still have found many things to be thankful for.

The harsh reality is that the publishing business has changed, but it hasn't changed completely. People are buying less books at traditional publishers but they aren't necessarily buying more ebooks, as  I discovered when my first ebook came out a few weeks ago. We have wondered if a tree falls in a forest whether it makes a sound, well, supposed that tree was made of electrons and then those electrons ran down a circuit, and that circuit fell in the forest...well the circuit wouldn't make a sound either.

Speaking of electrons, let's talk about something with more positive energy.This blog has been having incredible success. Every day, dozens if not hundreds of people are reading me every week. I was mentioned in someone's speech. The Southwest Writer's Anthology should be out in the next few weeks, and that will be exciting. I am an editor and only contributed one story, but for the first time I feel part of a team. Go Team GO!

I did a few signings, but my best event by far was in Silver City at the Southwest Festival of the Written Word.  For a few minutes as I talked to sixty people, I remembered why I went into writing in the first place. I felt charged!

Thus, I am optimistic about the future. I have a western and a science fiction manuscript ready to go. Hopefully they will be out by the end of the next year.

I want to thank all of you, my readers. Don't forget a book is the perfect gift!


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